Nutrition Lower Hutt

Today’s smoothie recipe is Berry Basil Bliss Shake.

And I’ll also share some benefits of basil I found.

I googled this because I was intrigued as to why basil was added (it does actually taste delicious too). A quick Google search and I came across this blog post – 9 Incredible Benefits of Basil Leaves You May Not Have Known – so check out the full blog otherwise keep scrolling for the bullet pointed version.

As for the recipe it’s super simple.

3 – 5 ice cubes, 1 serve of a good quality nutrition shake (get in touch if you want to know what I use), 100g of mixed berries, 4 – 5 basil leaves

My nutrition shake already has 3g of fibre, another 4g from the berries so now we have 7g of fibre to start the day. At 25g per day for women and 30g per day for men this smoothie really is a good start to the day…and your bowels.

I add in extra protein – another 10g – so now that bumps my smoothie up to 19g of protein.

Now for the bullet points from 9 Incredible Benefits of Basil Leaves You May Not Have Known I expand on this in the video too so make sure you watch that.

  1. Good for digestion
  2. Anti-inflammatory
  3. Fights free radical activity
  4. Has benefits for your skin
  5. May help with depression
  6. Diabetes management
  7. Helps support liver function and the detoxification process
  8. Great for promoting gut health
  9. And can help settle an upset stomach

Why do I choose to have smoothies for breakfast and add in a serve of nutrition shake?

Because it helps keep the calories low, has adequate protein (but I do add in extra to keep be fuller for longer, gives me everything my body needs without all the rubbish, and optimizes my nutrient needs.

It’s a great start to the day and I pair it with a high quality multivitamin. Really optimizing the nutrition I’m giving my body. Fueling it for my lifestyle.

And they are yum!

19g of protein and 7g of fibre, a fantastic healthy breakfast option – low in sugar, low in fat, and packed full of deliciousness.

Have an awesome day!

And remember – if you haven’t already then grab my PDF – Why The Shakes Work

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